Freezer Cooking: Preparation (Part 1) - Kitchen Corner

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Freezer Cooking: Preparation (Part 1)

Before beginning my freezer cooking days, I needed to start by deciding on recipes and making a grocery list

I did some reading about things that freeze well, and things that don’t, scouted around Pinterest for some freezer-friendly meal ideas, and then went through my own recipes to pull ones that I thought would freeze well. 

For me, I was more interested in using my own, familiar, family-favorite recipes than trying something new! 

For planning and preparing, stick to these three simple steps:

1) Decide on what kinds of meals you want in your freezer. 

Do you want quick breakfasts?  Snacks for after school? Dinners? Desserts?  Or, some of each? 

2) Locate recipes.

Find recipes that fit kinds of meals you want in your freezer.  For example, do you want breakfasts?  Than how about freezer-friendly breakfast sandwiches?  Be sure to consider your family’s preferences, your method of cooking (i.e., thawing and baking, thawing and crockpot cooking), and ingredients on sale or on hand. 


3) Consider doubling.

Let’s say you’re like us and you LOVE lasagna.  When you make your grocery list, get enough ingredients to make two pans for your freezer.  You’re already dirtying all those dishes, so double the take home! 

If you have done your own freezer cooking, what tips do you have about choosing good recipes?  Join the conversation over on Facebook

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