I come from a long line of “freezers.”
No, seriously.
My grandmother freezes cereal. Cereal people.
I remember staying overnight when I was a kid only to have to go downstairs, open the giant chest freezer and pull out a frozen box of Rice Krispies.
I can honestly say, I have never frozen cereal and that’s not because I don’t buy it! But, we do freeze just about everything.
Asparagus. Milk. Mushrooms. Butter. Peppers. Cheese. Bread. Dough. Cookies. Muffins. Blueberries. Meat. Green Beans. Spinach. Rice. Apples. Pizza sauce. Purees. The list just keeps going. But, we rarely freeze full meals.
Before we left to adopt our daughter in January, I knew I wanted to have meals in the freezer ready to welcome us home. Now, as I head back to work, I also want to have meals, not just the components in the freezer, ready for our family.
This will enable us to continue cooking from scratch and eating wholesome meals with a small one in our home and both Frog Prince and I working outside of the home.
I’ve done two freezer cooking days now, which in no way shape or form qualifies me as an expert in this area. But, I do hope to share what I’m learning from a novice perspective.
So, I hope you’ll join me this week as we dive into freezer cooking 101.