Pizza Twists - Kitchen Corner

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pizza Twists

We’ve started a new tradition with Friday night pizza nights.  I know many families who do this and we have come to love it. 

These pizza twists make for an extra fun pizza night.  Easily made, and served perfectly with marinara sauce (or for some extra veggies - roasted red pepper soup or roasted tomato soup), these pizza twists will change up pizza night for the better.
Pizza Twists – Adapted from the Weary Chef
Begin by making the pizza dough according to directions

Divide the dough in half and roll each half of dough out into a large rectangle, the size of half a sheet cake.  Top one half with pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni/Canadian bacon. 

Carefully place the other pizza dough rectangle over the top. 

Using a knife or pizza cutter, slice the dough vertically in 1 1/2 – 2 inch strips.  Twist both ends and place onto a cookie sheet for baking. 

Spritz lightly with olive oil, and garnish with parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning. 

Bake at 425 for 10-12 minutes until the dough is cooked and the cheese has melted. 

Serve warm. 


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