If you are going to invest your time in a freezer cooking day, you want to be sure the product is edible, and gets eaten!
Here are my tips for making your freezer cooking day count:
1) Label!
Label everything with the recipe name, date and even source (if it’s not one of your favorites). Add cooking instructions, or notes about anything that needs to be done to the dish before cooking. Be sure to note whether or not the dish needs to thaw before cooking! For reusable containers, use a dry erase marker to label.
2) Package well.
It is worth it to invest in some press and seal, heavy duty tinfoil, tinfoil pans, and good freezer ziplock bags or containers. Just be sure to leave some of the press and seal hanging out under the tinfoil so you don’t accidentally put the dish in the oven “covered” only to later find out you had plastic wrap on it too!
3) Keep a list of what you have in your freezer.
Plan your menu based on the items on that list!
4) Take note of what you liked having in the freezer and what you didn’t!
We tried doubling last time, but we doubled a recipe we “like” and don’t “love”. Having two full trays of it in the freezer and needing to eat them so close together was something we learned we wouldn’t do again.
What are your tips for success? Join the conversation over on Facebook!
Thanks for joining us for this freezer cooking series!