Freezer Cooking: The night before… (Part 3) - Kitchen Corner

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Freezer Cooking: The night before… (Part 3)

‘Twas the night before freezer cooking day and all through the house, I was busy prepping ….. !

The first freezer cooking day I did this January was a long day.  8+ hours. Not sustainable.  The second one, I made more meals and had one less person helping and a baby to take care of in between naps in 5 hours!

What was the difference?  Preparation. 

Here’s what I recommend you do before the actual cooking day:

1) Dice veggies.

Chop and dice!  This can be done up to a week ahead of time.  Just be sure to check the recipes you plan to cook so that you get the veggies diced in the right way! 

2) Shred cheese.

Easy, but time consuming.  Do it ahead of time and store in the fridge, or even in the freezer if you are really ahead of the game.  If you need sliced cheese, slice it ahead of time too. 

3) Make rice.

If you are using wild rice or brown rice in any of your recipes, make it in advance.  Load up that rice cooker or pot on the stove and let the rice simmer away while making dinner one evening before the cooking day.  Store in the refrigerator until the day of cooking. 

4) Make any bread, tortillas or English muffins.

We make homemade tortillas, bread and English muffins.  You don’t want to be stuck on freezer baking day waiting for any of these, so be sure you’ve either made them or bought them and sliced them ahead of time. 

If you have done your own freezer cooking, what do you do the day(s) before freezer cooking? Join the conversation over on Facebook!

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